Debugging Dan

Tech enthusiast, avid side project builder. 🚀

E10: Accountability #1

08/12/2024, duration: 15:40

category: Podcast

E10: Accountability #1

Accountability #1

Follow along with this episode on Youtube.

In this episode, I experimented with a hybrid approach, combining both video and audio updates to ensure that podcast listeners receive the same information as those watching on YouTube. I provide an accountability update, discussing the goals I’ve set for the next two weeks and reflecting on past performance. My main focus is getting organized, from using Notion for project management to improving my podcasting process. I also share some surprising analytics and discuss future plans for my various projects, including a personal chatbot and data management tools. Your feedback is welcome as I continue to iterate and evolve.

Stay connected! Follow me on X at @debuggingdan for the latest updates, and subscribe to my YouTube channel @debuggingdan for the podcast and other interesting videos!

My active side projects are:

  1. Enhance user engagement, satisfaction, and overall experience for your application by applying Gamification
  2. Build personal dashboards. Visualize and make your most important information available at a glance. Your dashboards will be accessible, privacy-first, non-technical and available on multiple devices.
  3. The hassle-free solution for seamless remote data storage for you or your application, making data management a breeze.
  4. supersave: Open Source: Bootstrap your project with a simple database abstraction and automatically generated REST API
