Debugging Dan

Tech enthusiast, avid side project builder. 🚀

E17: Reading: Finish Your Projects

09/30/2024, duration: 17:58

category: Podcast

E17: Reading: Finish Your Projects

Reading: Finish Your Projects

The original article by Aaron Francis.

Episode 004 which also discuss finishing of projects.

In this episode of Debugging Dan, I dive into an insightful read-along of Aaron Francis’ article, “Finish Your Projects.” I reflect on the challenges of completing projects, the menial tasks that often hinder progress, and the role of fear in the final stages. Drawing from Aaron’s advice, I discuss strategies like setting focused work intervals, using music to maintain concentration, and building confidence by shipping projects. I also share personal tips on creating boilerplates to streamline repetitive tasks. Join me as I explore the joy and fulfillment that comes from not just starting, but finishing your projects.

Stay connected! Follow me on X at @debuggingdan for the latest updates, and subscribe to my YouTube channel @debuggingdan for the podcast and other interesting videos!

My active side projects are:

  1. Enhance user engagement, satisfaction, and overall experience for your application by applying Gamification
  2. Build personal dashboards. Visualize and make your most important information available at a glance. Your dashboards will be accessible, privacy-first, non-technical and available on multiple devices.
  3. The hassle-free solution for seamless remote data storage for you or your application, making data management a breeze.
  4. supersave: Open Source: Bootstrap your project with a simple database abstraction and automatically generated REST API
